Tim’s old school – Crocodilo Dundee, de Peter Fairman
Crocodile Dundee – 1986 While on my holiday Down under (Australia), I decided to watch some of the Australian classics. Top of the list was Crocodile Dundee staring Mike Dundee (Paul Hogan) and the beautiful new York reporter Sue Charleston (Linda Kozlowski). This movie did…
Tim´s Old School – O Padrinho, de Francis Ford Coppola
The Godfather – Francis Ford Coppola As I am on my around the world trip, I finally have some time to watch some of the old classics and decided to start out of respect with The Godfather. This is one of those movies that keeps…
Tims Old School – Golpe de Vingança (Kickboxer), de Mark Disalle e David Worth (1989)
Golpe de Vingança (Kickboxer), de Mark Disalle e David Worth (1989), com Jean-claude Van Damme The muscles from Brussels goes from a frightened brother to a fierce fighter in this action movie based in hot steamy Thailand. This is the kind of movie that made…
Tims Old School – Nascido para matar , de Stanley Kubrick
Full Metal Jacket – Stanley Kubrick (1987) “Marines are not allowed to die without permission”. Another movie I wish I could see again for the first time as it sucks you into a deep and rich story. The movie starts with the sad story of…
Tims Old School – Harley Davidson e o Cavalo do Asfalto, de Simon Wincer
Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man. 1991 Could you ever find cooler guys than a Harley Davidson Man (Mickey Rouke) or a Marlboro Man (Don Johnson). They just ooze coolness…. I want to be one of them. We then have a bad guy played by…
Tims Old School – Assalto ao Arranha-Céus -1988
One of the best action movies of always, especially for me when it came out as a 13 year old at the time. The first of many sequels, this original one set in the iconic skyscraper building. Let’s start with one of John Maclane’s (Bruce…
Tims Old School – 12 HOMENS EM FÚRIA (1957)
This movie was recommended to me by my dear friend Odair. I must admit he is one of the friends I take most seriously in the areas of culture and creativity. The movie starts with the MGM Lion Roaring an image and sound that I…
Tims Old School – O Clube dos poetas Mortos (1989)
If you looking for a movie that has love, inspiration, life lessons and more, then look no further, this movie is the pinnacle. We enter Welton Academy, a private boarding school in the year 1959 and follow the story of young men who are the…
Tims old school – Os Salteadores da Arca Perdida (1981)
You have to come up with something very special following the previous two block busters of Star Wars and Jaws. George Lucas and Steven Spielberg manage to do just that in this wonderful movie that introduces us to a new hero in Indiana Jones (Harrison…
Tim Old School – Crime , disse ela!
Crime , disse ela! (1984-1996) série de tv. I wonder if there is anyone who has not seen this show? Just saying the name automatically brings the theme song to mind together with the words “tonight on murder she wrote”. The star of the show…